I have felt for some time that this was going to be a year of change. Sometimes you can just tell. I had no idea it was going to be such a roller coaster though. My entire view of life is being tested!! I am currently going through a very stressful time which doesn't seem to be able to let me go. It has however, possibly brought about another major life change. Don't know yet, still waiting to hear. This one will change everything for myself and my family so it is taking up alot of my thoughts at the moment. I want to make the right decision! There have been times in my life where I have had choices. I don't think I have always made the right one. But how do you tell which is right and which is wrong? And could it all be for some higher purpose anyway! I just wish I knew. So I am currently in limbo! I don't seem to be able to concentrate on anything. None of the things I normally like to do appeal to me. I just seem to exist day to day. Where will we be by Christmas. Still here or somewhere else?!?!?
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