And then it happened, the black rain cloud that covered the sky and blocked out the sun. That summery interlude was so brief but so welcome. Maybe next time it will stay a little longer.
On a lighter note, the rain seems to be staying away so far. Shhhhh!
Today seems to be one of those days that could go either way. It could end well or it could just ... end. Rose is sure that today is one of those days that could change everything. One way or another things will be different.
Through trying times Rose has learnt to live in the moment. For today is the 'present' after all. A gift that most take for granted. Living for tomorrow can be foolish. Because there will come a time for every person when tomorrow never comes. Not that Rose doesn't plan for the future because she does, all the time. But is important not to focus on it so much that she misses the life happening around her.
Take the time to look around you, listen to the birds, look at the flowers. Feel the time pass slowly by with each breath. Priceless.

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