Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Close your eyes and make a wish!

Just recently Rose has been making wishes at every opportunity.

So far she has tried:

*wishbones from chickens (the one where two people pull it apart and the one that gets the largest piece gets their wish),

*eyelashes. (Where two people trap the eyelash between their thumbs and wish. The person with eyelash when the thumbs are parted get their wish.)

*the full moon. (she doesn't know if this even is a way but it seems right.)

She knows that others are:

*Birthday Candles.
*Wishing Wells

There must be more ways out there so please let Rose know the things that you wish on and whether they have come true.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

The sun caught me looking and went away!!!

For a minute there Rose thought that the rains were at an end. Yes, the sun was definately out, it was bright, the sky was blue. She was just looking out of the window wondering where all of the birds were.........

And then it happened, the black rain cloud that covered the sky and blocked out the sun. That summery interlude was so brief but so welcome. Maybe next time it will stay a little longer.

On a lighter note, the rain seems to be staying away so far. Shhhhh!
Today seems to be one of those days that could go either way. It could end well or it could just ... end. Rose is sure that today is one of those days that could change everything. One way or another things will be different.

Through trying times Rose has learnt to live in the moment. For today is the 'present' after all. A gift that most take for granted. Living for tomorrow can be foolish. Because there will come a time for every person when tomorrow never comes. Not that Rose doesn't plan for the future because she does, all the time. But is important not to focus on it so much that she misses the life happening around her.

Take the time to look around you, listen to the birds, look at the flowers. Feel the time pass slowly by with each breath. Priceless.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

The power of a good book

Where is Rose today?

Well, she is aware that this can change at any moment. That dreams can be shattered in an instant. Who was it that said "Anything can happen in the next half hour!?

Knowing this, she is still in a positive frame of mind. There is currently a path that she and her family can go down. At this point in time it is still achievable. She will revel in it, make plans. Imagine how things could be. Setting herself up for a fall......possibly. But isn't that better than expecting it to all go belly up from the beginning!

So yes, today there are possibilities...........

On another note, her mind has quietened enough to go back to one of her favourite pursuits. Reading. Most of her life she has lived within the realms of the written word. It makes her feel alive. The people, the places. She is blessed with a vivid imagination, it all becomes real. Sometimes it continues when the book isn't open. After the book has come to an end. Rose is able to make the story go on ........ only this time she is one of the characters, a new one that the author hadn't thought of. Childhood games brought through to adulthood. But don't they just have more depth at this age.......

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Not a summer shower!

It is mid July. It is raining again! But these aren't summer showers are they?! You can tell summer showers, they smell different, they look different, they feel different. The rain at the moment is the kind you get in autumn and winter. Where has the summer gone, has it gone missing!

Rose cannot sit in her garden!
On another note, never forget the peace that can be obtained from watching candles. They are such wonderful things. So quiet and beautiful, mesmerizing. So if you are feeling overwraught, just sit and watch a candle........ and breathe..........

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Perhaps I should just embrace the darkness!

Yes, things are difficult. Hopefully it is only temporary. Maybe I should just give in and try to find some solace in the darkness! Don't get me wrong, my life isn't that bad, in fact the things that really matter are still wonderful, my husband and two beautiful children. I have them so I have all that I need. But I am a sentimental creature and tend to take life very seriously and personally. It is easy for me to feel a failure, like I don't matter. I tell myself that it is just time for us to take a different path. I just have dark moments, when I suffocate with it all. When everything seems pointless, destined for failure.

So, Midnight Rose was born. Everything I am not! And some things that I am (maybe not outwardly so). She is free and beautiful (I was once, very, but time and children have changed all that!) In fact I have few mirrors in my house, just alot of photographs of how I used to be.

Midnight Rose is full of mystery, although she is also sensitive and caring but strong, oh so strong. She lives in a beautiful old house with a garden that is truly alive, twisting wisteria and of course dozens of fabulous roses. She loves her home and it is very comfortable, perhaps a little cluttered for most peoples taste but not for her. She knows where everything is......

Close to her home is a magical forest where she often walks, it is peaceful and full of nature.

Beautiful isn't it.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

A year of change!

I have felt for some time that this was going to be a year of change. Sometimes you can just tell. I had no idea it was going to be such a roller coaster though. My entire view of life is being tested!! I am currently going through a very stressful time which doesn't seem to be able to let me go. It has however, possibly brought about another major life change. Don't know yet, still waiting to hear. This one will change everything for myself and my family so it is taking up alot of my thoughts at the moment. I want to make the right decision! There have been times in my life where I have had choices. I don't think I have always made the right one. But how do you tell which is right and which is wrong? And could it all be for some higher purpose anyway! I just wish I knew. So I am currently in limbo! I don't seem to be able to concentrate on anything. None of the things I normally like to do appeal to me. I just seem to exist day to day. Where will we be by Christmas. Still here or somewhere else?!?!?

Friday, 12 June 2009

The beauty of Swarovski Crystal photographs

Here are some photographs that I took of a pendant that I made and some loose Swarovski Crystals. I was only messing about but I think they are quite interesting. If anyone is interested in using any of them please contact me for a link free copy.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Hello World!

This is my first post on here so be nice! I have been trying to think of a format for my blogs but I have decided that I will be wildly random instead! I feel that it may evolve with time into its true form but as I have no idea what that is - it will have to wait!!

I am currently being incredibly naughty and tucking into a bacon crisp sandwich!!! Not good you say for a lady on a diet trying to lose the 3 stone she put on with Booboo! Well, what can I say!?!?!? With raging PMT it is either that or a large bar of chocolate! Anyway, I am not alone, Booboo is tucking into some as well.

It is a beautiful day, and I should be out in it! Why am I not? I don't know. I often ponder that one. I seem to be having a great deal of trouble relaxing at the moment. I think it has been going on for a while now, don't know how long. I am constantly wired!!! Just can't be calm. Really doing my head in! Oh for some peace!

I love roses, especially red ones. I often think I should prefer something more exotic like orchids, but I just don't. There is something magical about them.

If anyone would like a mention feel free to let me know, I quite fancy doing some features on people, sites, things in general so if you would like some free advertising let me know.

Feeling guilty, should do something productive. See you soon.